Concert Venue: Las Placitas Presbyterian Church, Highway 165, Placitas NM
Placitas Artists Series
Music & Art in the Foothills
Please Note Prior to
Ticket Purchase -
Concert Lineup
NEW! Pre-Concert Talks @ 1:30 p.m.Visual Arts Reception & Exhibit at 2 PMConcert Begins at 3 PM
Individual Tickets - $30
Individual concert tickets are not mailed;present copy of PayPal confirmation at WillCall table to claim purchased tickets. Season andhalf-season tickets are mailed if purchased on orbefore 8/31. If purchased after 8/31, tickets will beavailable for pick up at Will Call table.Individual tickets may not beavailable for purchase at the door.Any student through grade twelve maybe admitted free to a concert when accompanied by a paying adult.Important Concert Venue Etiquette:oNo food or beverages allowed in concert halloSet smart phones to silentFlexible ticket policy allows exchange ofunused, unexpired season tickets for any available tickets during same season.Unaccompanied students with valid student ID can purchase a discountedticket at Will Call on concert day. For Season Ticket holders: a section ofdesignated seats will be held open until 15minutes before start of concert.
Ticket Sales
March 23, 2025Alexis Corbin“Mostly Marimba: Music for Percussion Quartet”Sponsored By -Barbara Reeback & Del Packwood - SilverShelley & Herb Koffler - SilverJoann & Scott Mackenzie - BronzeConcert Program
April 27, 2025Megan and James HollandPiano TriosFirestone Family Foundation - Gold
May 25, 2025Kim FredenburghThe Altura EnsembleSponsored By -Wendy Wilkins & Jay Rodman - Gold
Online ticket sales are processed throughPayPal, our e-commerce vendor. Tickets canbe purchased with a credit/debit card, or with an existing PayPal account. However, a PayPal account is NOT REQUIRED to purchase tickets.
NEW pre-concert talks begin at 1:30 p.m. Concerts begin at 3 PM and are preceded by a Visual Arts Reception & Exhibit at 2PM
Individual concert tickets are not mailed;present copy of PayPal confirmation at WillCall table to claim purchased tickets.Individual tickets may not beavailable for purchase at the door.Any student through grade twelve maybe admitted free to a concert when accompanied by a paying adult.Important Concert Venue Etiquette:oNo food or beverages allowed in concert halloPlease set smart phones to silentFlexible ticket policy allows exchange ofunused, unexpired season tickets for any available tickets during same season.Unaccompanied students with valid student ID can purchase a discountedticket at Will Call on concert day. For Season Ticket holders: a section ofdesignated seats will be held open until 15minutes before start of concert.